Networking Layer upgrades
Networking Layer Upgrades encompass improvements and changes to the components that facilitate communication and data exchange within the Ethereum network. These upgrades include the discovery stack and the devp2p stack. The discovery stack ensures efficient peer discovery, enabling nodes to find and connect with each other. The devp2p stack provides the protocols for peer-to-peer communication, ensuring robust and secure data transmission across the network.
EIP-778: Ethereum Node Records (ENR)
EIP-868: Node Discovery v4 ENR Extension
EIP-1459: Node Discovery via DNS
EIP-2124: Fork identifier for chain compatibility checks
EIP-8: devp2p Forward Compatibility Requirements for Homestead
EIP-627: Whisper Specification
EIP-706: DEVp2p snappy compression
EIP-2364: eth/64: forkid-extended protocol handshake
EIP-2464: eth/65: transaction announcements and retrievals
EIP-2481: eth/66 request identifier
EIP-2976: Typed Transactions over Gossip
EIP-4444: Bound Historical Data in Execution Clients
EIP-4938: eth/67 - Removal of GetNodeData